

You are what you eat!

Please consider everything on this list essential as Kodaikanal is a very small hill station and we do not get any of these items here. In case you forget something or are unable to source it call us. Everything on this list is available online, websites given below.


Heart Rate Monitor

  • This is one of the most important tool you will need.
  • The basic monitor needed for the camp is MY ZONE.
  • The price is Rs 11,000/- If you buy it through us. We give you the dealers number, you can pay them and they will courier it.
  • With reference to other gadgets like fitbit or apple watch, if you own them; you can get them; but for the boot camp, we need only MY ZONE.
  • We DO NOT TRAIN without a chest strap based heart rate monitor.


Please bring all medical reports and any medication that you are taking. Five supplements which are essential unless your doctor has prescribed against these.

You can buy all  these from amazon/local pharmacy. We will share all details with you closer to date of camp.


1 box for a month
Recommended brands:

SWISSE Multivitamin /GNC 

Omega 3

3 box for a month 60 pills/box
Recommended brands:




1 box for a month 30 pills/box
Recommended brands:

Good bug / VSL 3 



1 box for a month 30 pills/box
Recommended brands:

Based on your profile & medical 


**Please do not buy any other brand of supplements. These are tried and tested brands by us. Most of the supplements are available in amazon or local pharmacies.

Any other brands other than the ones specified above please consult us before buying as they are expensive and do not want you to buy wrong supplements and then have them not used

*For vegetarian substitute  Nutri Herb Omega 3 or Unived Ovegha 400 mg DHA available on www.amazon.in

Protein shakes

P.S: Please purchase this only after your blood work has been shared with us, if your uric acid values are high, then we do not recommend protein shakes, but another supplement called EAA : Essential Amino Acids. We will share details based on your blood work and the benefits the same.

As we follow a vegetarian diet, we need to supplement with protein which aids to lose fat and gain muscle. Please source your own protein supplement and bring it along. However, we can also help you with the same at an additional cost.

We recommend Optimium Nutrtion Gold standard isolate chocolate flavour Or Dymatize Iso 100 any flavour of your choice. Please ensure you get a bill for this purchase as there are duplicates available.

Quantity: We recommend a 3 pound box to start with, if this is the first time you are consuming protein. If you are familiar with protein shakes a 5 pound box is useful.

Intra Workout Supplement

IntraWorkout : This is a supplement to be had during your intense cardio and training sessions. This is a mixture of Electrolyte and Essential Amino Acids with no sugar. These are essential  for recovery, to avoid muscle loss and increase protein synthesis. We have imported brands with us, on your arrival, you can try it, if it suits you, then you can purchase it from us.

We also need : Vitamin C: Celin : 500 mg : Non chewable : We recommend consuming 2000 mg every day, this helps with recovery and immunity. You will need 5 strips for 28 days and 3 strips for 14 days available at any medical store. Please ensure you buy the non chewable tablets. 

All 8 Amino acids pills :  This is a must available on Desert Cart.in. We will explain all benefits of the same in the TELL ME WHY Session. These are essential amino acids for the body.

Apps to be downloaded on your phone

They are all free apps which are essential for training. Please download it in advance on your phones.

  • Instant Resting Heart Rate
  • Interval Timer

Stuff you need to pack in your bag to make your stay comfortable

Woolen Gloves

Very essential for mornings and nights as it much cooler then.

Ear warmer

Early mornings are cold. Thus recommended.


To cover your neck, ears and nose for cold

Water Bottles

Two 1-litre bottles. One sipper bottle for gym and cardio sessions and the other preferably wide mouth bottle for during the day. We recommend Camelbak or any other BPA Free plastic/ glass bottle.

Water Bottles

Two 1-litre bottles. One sipper bottle for gym and cardio sessions and the other preferably wide mouth bottle for during the day. We recommend Camelbak or any other BPA Free plastic/ glass bottle.


Warm socks for the night are a must. Please get a minimum of 2 pairs. Gym Socks atleast 5-7 pairs for your training and cardio. If you are someone who feels cold easily then get 2 pairs of woolen socks for the nights.


Carry your Head phones. Hobby related stuff: Books, Art material if you like drawing or painting; paper craft or any other leisure activity that you always want to do in your free time but never do. Just ensure it is more a relaxing activity to rejuvenate after your training not to physically intense.

Gym clothes

Please avoid shorts / spaghettis or three fourth pants. You need full tracks, full sleeve hooded t-shirts. You don’t need any formal clothes; but weekly once we do go out for your cheat meal; for women basic causal jeans and a jacket and for men t-shirt and jeans or shirt and jeans is great.


We need 2 pairs of sports shoes, one for cardio sessions, usually in the outdoors and one ultra clean pair of shoes for the Gym/ Indoor cardio routines only. THIS IS A MUST. The shoes we recommend are – Nike Free and Cross Fit Reebok. If you have shoes and are not planning to buy new ones then please tell us which ones we will guide you. As good shoes are very important or you will have blisters and feet pain.

Cap and sunscreen

Once it gets a bit sunny you will need a hat. The sun in Kodaikanal is fairly strong.


Important as nights are nippy. The house is not centrally heated.


Indoor slippers for the house as it is cold, one for outside to use in the backyard, gardens etc.


Head gear is most important to keep you warm and going in the morning sessions.

Multi-utility Bag

This bag is very useful to bring things to the session for eg: to carry your bottle, heart rate monitor, socks, warm gloves etc. As there are quite a few things and most students forget one item or another and have to go to their room several times.


If you have an old injury please bring your personal knee / ankle / back / elbow / wrist band / braces as it is very difficult to find the correct sizes in Kodaikanal. Also old injuries do crop up, when you start exercising.

Important things to note 

  • Wi-fi: We are fully connected with Wi-fi and security cameras which cover the facility.
  • The weather is unpredictable so please check with us before you get here. Google and other weather guides tend to be in-accurate. It is mostly cold. 
  • With reference to supplements and other heavy items; you can buy them and ship it to our address; so you will not have to carry it. Plan the delivery of your supplements around the day of your arrival. Please mention c/o your name on the parcel or it may get mixed up with other students shipments. 
  • All Medical Supplements like fish oil/ magnesium/ probiotics & Heart Rate Monitor are cheaper in the US/ UAE. So, if you have your family/ friends coming then order it and have your family get it.
  • If you have any queries please feel to contact us. See you there with all your gear if there is anything you do not have please inform us in advance. We can help you source it.
  • Visa: If you are not an Indian or do not have an Indian passport you need to get a visa to come into India