

We help you make this lifestyle!

What does the Online Program include?

The Basic Online Mentarship Program at 1ON1 includes the following for 3 months.

A customized Fitness Plan

Based on your individual goals a detailed plan for Strength Training, Flexibility and Cardio will be provided to you. This is closely monitored with the MyZone and Trainerize App.

Weekly Progress Review

Based on the food photos and workouts we will conduct a Weekly Progress Review in the “Private chat”. This motivates all students to do better and better everyday.

Diet & Supplementation

A Diet & Supplementation plan customised to your weight, body type and fitness goals. We will monitor and give feedback on your diet as you upload your food photos on the Private Group Chat.

Fitness Products

Any information you require on fitness products, workouts, diet foods and diet supplements will be provided as and when you need it.

Yoga Routines

Variations will be added to your Yoga routines on a monthly/ weekly basis as and when you progress.


In case of any aches, pains or injuries, we will monitor and change workouts as needed or on a monthly basis.

The Online Program works on a few apps: These are our eyes, to guide you closely.

Workout Check: MyZone App

We monitor your Meps daily. We comment on each of your sessions. Through the monitor, we can guide you safely and scientifically. Keeping a close eye on the duration, zones, heart rate and consistency of your training.

Strength Monitoring (Trainerize)

This App helps us give you a detailed strength plan and helps us monitor your strength progress. Other than that your measurements, resting heart rate, progress photos are all entered here to monitor your monthly progress.

Private Chat

Which would include only Prahlladh, Khushi, You and incase you have a trainer at home, we can include him as well. This group is created for you to have access to your coaches at all times in these 3 months.


If you haven injuries, aches we can alter the workout based on the same and also provide rehab work. We also provide you complete knowledge of the supplements and nutrition we prescribe.

Yoga Routines

Your weight checks every Monday and Thursday are to be sent on the private group. A photo of you standing on the scale. This is crucial for us to monitor progress. Unless the goal is not weight loss/gain.

Food Check

In the “Private Group Chat” it is imperative to upload food photos.This, gives us (your trainers) a fairly good idea of the type, combination of macro nutrients, quantity and timing of the meal. We comment on your photos at the end of each day.

The cost of the Online Mentorship Program is Rs 33,500/-+ GST  inclusive of 1 month Mentorship through various apps and are described in detail, in “how do we communicate on the online program” above.

Along with all of the daily and weekly monitoring, the package includes 60 mins of telephone/video review with Prahlladh or Khushi. These 60 minutes of trainer time can be used over a detailed call about nutrition concepts/ motivation/ change in program/ checking of form by your trainer/ addressing a particular injury.If  you require more VIRTUAL TRAINING  sessions you can purchase them at Rs 5500/- per session. Thank you.

We are here to handhold you, to your new lifestyle.

Thank you. Looking forward!

We strongly recommend joining the Online Program especially if you are traveling. Being in a new place, you are likely to face more challenges in identifying healthy meal options and opportunities to workout. We can help you decide among your options, to ensure that you keep up your diet and training. This additional accountability with your trainer while you’re traveling will prove to be very helpful.

Termination of the Online Program: Clauses

We have found the Online Program to be a great success with most of our students, who especially find it helpful for sustaining the lifestyle they have built with us. However, implementation of the program falls squarely on you. This program will be truly beneficial only if you make the most of having trainers on call, report your diet and training regularly and prioritise calls and communication. Without this effort on your part, our guidance will not be enough to ensure the results you want.

We require you to update your food photos everyday, and your workout on Trainerize every week and wear your MYZONE to every workout. Without regular reporting, this program will not bring any change to your lifestyle. You have to be dedicated, committed and feel accountable to your trainer. Reporting is the key to the success of this program.

We will wats app you regularly and check your progress, discuss your diet and any issues you might have. Without any response or input from your side, we will continue to send reminders , but the true benefit of the program is only, when you report regularly.

Remember, you are hiring us to give you guidance. Without reports of your diet and training , we will be unable to do so online. If you’re ready to be a dedicated student with the Online Program, then let’s begin the journey!

Step 1: Please complete the payment for 3 months of the Online Mentorship, the invoice for the same will be sent to you, once you confirm you are joining.

Step 2: We need the following details from your end:

Medical Reports: CBC, Liver, Thyroid, Kidney, HBA1C, Lipid Profile, Vitamin D3, Total testosterone, free testosterone, E2 , B 12, Food Intolerance test.

Current diet regime: If any: general food idea.

Aches & Pains: Injuries

Any medicines your currently taking

Supplements that your currently taking

Step 3: Once we have the above details:

We will devise your Training, Diet, Supplementation plan accordingly.

You will also need a MYZONE : for us to monitor your calorie burn. Details of the my zone app are in the demo video. We can help you with dealers number and get it couriered to you. A my zone switch monitor costs Rs.11,000 in India.

After which steps ahead:

Step 4: Sign in to Trainerize: do the following :
a) Measurements
b) Photos
c) Weight/ Body Fat %

Every week we will track it there. It has a graph showing weekly progress.
Details of this app are above in the demo video as well.

Individual WhatsApp Group: You Prahlladh and Khushi. This is the main mode of communication; you need to report regularly: all meal photo; twice a week weight check. Monday and Thursday. Pls ensure it is the same weighing scale and same time. We need a photo of the weighting scale. You can shoot all your questions on this group. Regarding any issues your facing.

Please ensure consistency in reporting; It is the key to success of this program. Reporting on My zone: Photos of food and water 4 litres is critical. The success of the program is your reporting.